David N. Townsend & Associates


Expert Testimony, Regulatory Intervention in Telecommunications

David N. Townsend is fully qualified and experienced to provide expert participation in formal telecommunications regulatory procedings on behalf of public institutional or private intervenors. We offer full service support in developing evidence, preparing testimony, and managing the regulatory process. Among the issue areas of Mr. Townsend's expertise are the following:

David N. Townsend: Expert Testimony

David N. Townsend has presented expert testimony in the following state-level proceedings:

Client: Texas Office of Public Utility Counsel
Before the Public Utility Commission of Texas
Docket No. 15024, GTE Southwest, ISDN service, 1996
Docket No. 12118, Southwestern Bell, Caller ID service, 1994
Docket No. 10687, Southwestern Bell, ISDN service, 1993
Docket No. 9960, Southwestern Bell, Plexar market structure analysis, 1991
Docket No. 9695, Southwestern Bell, Call Control Options services, 1991
Docket No. 9251, GTE Southwest, CentraNet service pricing, 1990
Docket No. 9301, Southwestern Bell, CO-LAN service market competition, 1990
Docket No. 7790, AT&T, market dominance analysis, 1988

Client: Coalition of Texas Cities
Before the Public Utility Commission of Texas
Docket No. 15332, GTE Southwest, Expanded Local Calling Service, 1996

Client: Pennsylvania Cable and Telecommunications Association
Before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Docket No. I-00940035, Universal Service principles and policies, 1996
Docket No. M-940587, Investigation to Establish Competitive Safeguards, 1995

Client: New England Cable TV Association
Before the Maine State Legislature
Testimony on utility pole attachment charges, 1996

Client: Michigan Cable TV Association
Before the Michigan Public Service Commission
Case No. U-10831, Pole Attachment and Conduit Rental tariffs, 1995

Client: Time Warner AxS of Tennessee
Before the Public Service Commission of Tennessee
Docket No. 93-03038, South Central Bell competitive market structure, 1993

Client: Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities
Before the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission
Review of New England Telephone Incentive Regulation plan, 1990

Client: State Auditor of Hawaii
Before the Hawaii State Legislature
Testimony on telecommunications and economic development in Hawaii, 1989

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